Short tips for making jewelry
Wire wrap art - 3 variants of polishing. Video
Posted by Oksana Trukhan on

Polishing - is the processing of materials to produce a mirror finish surface.Why patina and polished? To identify the the relief, placement of accents and expressive way. But! Solely at the discretion of the author. I will share my impressions about the three different ways: 1. Maas Polishing Creme. Cream have light lilac color and "technical smell". Probably on purpose, so that no one tried to lick.))) Applied with a dry cloth over the surface. Then you need a good rub and wash with soap and brush in cool water.Rated 5 Stars! Polishing is faster ideal metal for a...
Making vintage look by patina and polishing. Video.
Posted by Oksana Trukhan on

Patina on copper jewelry by liver of sulfur I really love this moment - to cover my jewelry by patina and polishing. Shadows become more distinct and pendant looks impressive. I use the liver of sulfur solution. It creates a secure and stable patina. Polishing pads and Maas Polish Cream keep the shine of my jewelry for tlong time. And about my magic cream for polishing! Keep your hands - be like me. Last week I received many questions about the polishing. And again I am sharing my techniques. I use polishing pads and Maas Metal Polish cream for...
Patina. Liver of Sulfur - making by yourself. Video
Posted by Oksana Trukhan on

In this video I will teach how to make liver of sulfur and cover with a patina of copper jewelry.1 part baking soda and 1 part of sulfur mix in a ceramic crucible. Heated on the fire until brown. All the while thoroughly. If you see a fire - blow it.Important! Work must necessarily a respirator, goggles and gloves.When the powder is cooled down - fill it with water and store in a bottle with a tight stopper, without air.Pour part of the solution to the water and soak there jewelry. When it goes dark, remove the excess with a...
Twisting the base for hair pin
Posted by Oksana Trukhan on

We must use very strong wire 7-8 gauge (3-3,5 mm) for hair pins. Because they have to withstand the load. But working with such a thick wire is difficult. But if you heat the copper, it becomes soft and flexible. And this makes the life of wire worker much easier. Use a very large hammer to make it flat. Use butane torch to heat the wire to the red light. Repeat again to beat with a hammer and heat. After the heating (until the wire is soft), use a bench vise and big pliers. Hold the wire and twist it....
Twisted wire
Posted by Oksana Trukhan on

This is very easy way of making nice twisted wire. We should use soft wire, engraver, vice and hook. Fold the wire in half and press 2 end in the vice. Pull the hook into the loop and engage the engraver at low speed. If you use too thick wire, it's best to rotate it manually, not a tool. This twisted wire is too hard. So you can use butane torch to heat it and make it soft.